So, you kept up with Celeste through the earthquake and subsequent goings on “through the lane ...” in book One. Great! Lora enjoyed your company. Now, mutatis mutandis, wait till you see the comings and goings in Two! Though you’d think a woman of Celeste’s age might wish or even try to get everyone to stay put, Celeste proves pretty game for whatever's up next. Celeste, Regoire, Lorena and Chet, Sadie, Stuart, Delaney and all who orbit St. Anne are heading through the lane, this time mostly out, some even ‘across the pond.’
Oh yes, you asked “How’s Aggie doing?” Aggie’s well, thanks:
Aggie would grow up believing upside-down diapers and feet in sleeper armholes, normal, all a part of the fun. (p. 18)
Even in this first year Aggie may be exhibiting aberrations of her own, not just the physical, as in embodying substantial and feathery both, but in her character, the way a complex make-up can fit in Lorena’s simplest of days. For Aggie’s babyhood at least. As Lorena put it to Regoire, “You don’t always stay how you start out to be.” No surprise if Aggie turns out all over the map when you factor in her grandma Lora too with her hopping-about delight in words (which she rolls out sometimes just for the sound of them) and stories (especially hers) and life in general.
Enjoy your return to St. Anne ... though this round you’ll be off here and there much of the time. And be in touch if you like. Book Three is in the works!