This has been quite the week for me: an unexpected 8th Selfie Dance release and a ♥-awaited release of my new book ~ “through the lane to St. Anne ... Three” I have a fascination which seems to be growing by the year in how each newborn arrives full of artistry and want for expression whether it emerges through swishy swishing numbers ... or paints; or stroking a keyboard ... one type or another; or through any of the infinite modes that are each child's particular gift. And one of the best things we can do is to get out of kids’ way as their innate sparks ignite and develop. One of the readers who visited and I appreciate who stuck with “through the lane ...” said << E Sandy Powell's turn of phrase is so unique; a good thing, I think. And once I grew comfortable with that I just sailed along. >> I’m glad she brought up ‘getting used to’ a style. I’m thankful to have stuck with my own writing this long. It’s helped me appreciate other artist’s choices. Those who know me know I am capable of writing how one ought, and confident in the execution of standard English. You’ll forgive me if I reference an artist who is ceilings above me. Michelangelo struggled with and was demanded of to produce what was believed to be ‘the way’ one should carve or make art in general. Instead he listened to the idea in his heartmind and proceeded to select a stone to best match his internal image. And even then he didn’t impose his idea on the block but listened and listened until he could work in total immersion with the piece. That’s where this writing life has brought me. With “through the lane ...” I listened. I heard a project that fit where I am in my days. I wondered a bit if I could write a fiction series, knowing full well that the writing of any story where all the pieces twist and make left turns at intersections and interweave through their whole requires a sustaining energy. Then ... the characters came, one by two until they were all there. I’ve been criticized for having too many characters. That is a complaint I have no reference room for, since I reread “The Agony and the Ecstasy” and “Lust for Life” not long ago without being able to put the books down, charactered full over a person’s lifetime. Plus, I watch small screen series where whole squadrons and families are involved in the story lines. So I chalked that loss of a reader up to preferences. And I moved on through the second and into this book (one more to go ;-) ), doing my best to listen for whatever word choices and sentence structures, or fragmented structures and shifts into using nonstandard parts of speech ... conscious choices because in my ear and mind they best fit “through the lane ...” I’m so glad to have lived this long. Not everyone gets to. Of course I fall short and am not ‘where I want to be’ completely yet with my expressions, not by a long shot. Not everyone gets to live to a point which survives dislike as well as like, being ignored as well as receiving attention, both from oneself and one’s audience. I’m just glad, looking back at fourth grade and seventh grade writing pieces I still have, I have developed this gift ~ which is purely a propulsion to write, with desire to keep honing as I go (including the inability to give it up through all the years I self-doubted my natural style so) ~ into a story set that’s of value to me. If you enjoy, all the better. And whoo hoo! for those at St. Anne’s. They can’t wait to hear you coming round. Thanks for reading me! ♥ Sparky